Examples of our YouTube Video Production
Youtube is one of the most poplular video platforms in the world, with a reported 300hrs of video uploaded every minute in 2014. This just highlights how important its is to have quality YouTube video production, to make sure you stand out from the crowd. Here at Milks Gone Bad, we can handle any aspect of the production process, from planning shoots, organising film crews, to filming, editing, and upload scheduling. Got and idea? Get in touch to find out how we can help. Below are some examples of videos we’ve worked on.
When Toytesters.tv said announced they were starting a youtube channel, we were called in to take care of all the YouTube video production. From promotional material, to content for the day to day running of the channel. With our help over the past 2 years, the channel has grown into a well established resource used by the toy industry to market and promote their products all over the UK.
Danielle Peazer Fitness Videos
When Danielle Peazer wanted to delve into the world of YouTube video production, she came to us with a brief, for a set of fitness videos she wanted to make. The resulting videos served as a foundation to grow Danielle’s videos into the thriving channel that they are today.